Advertise with MyschoolinfoNigeria

Thanks for your interest in advertising on! popular referred to as MyschoolinfoNigeria is an Online student Education resource website where thousands of student continuously visit daily to access useful information on their school of choice and Educational Guidelines.

MyschoolinfoNigeria runs advertisement for interested persons who want their business to boom.

Steps on how ads can be placed:

To place ads on, the first step is to get your ad banner designed by a good graphic designer. Your ad banner must be borderless and of various sizes like 350 pixels wide, 250 pixels tall, less than 400kb in size, and it could be in PNG or JPG format. Once it's ready, send your banner via Email to

Mind you:(Your ad might not be approved if it's deceptive or illegal or morally questionable in some way). If your add is approved a confirmation Email would be send back to you. After the confirmation negotiations on the cost and how long the add would spend on the site would be communicated.

Courtesy: Myschoolinfo Team
