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How do I check my admission status in caps portal and can I accept or reject admission if I have not been offered admission yet? A whole lot of student has been asking that question and now you are about to learn it via this article.

I have already explained everything about Jamb caps for 2017 admission. If you still don’t have full idea of what Jamb caps is then click here now to read more about it.

Steps To Check Your 2017 Admission Status In Caps Portal

Ensure you have active data bundle.
Open your favourite browser but I will advice you not to use Opera Mini.

Visit the jamb caps admission checking portal using this link http://caps.jamb.gov.ng/acceptadmission.aspx
Caps Central admission portal home page will open.

Currently the jambs caps portal are live, so you can  now check your admission status.

Enter your Jamb registration number in the space where you will see UTME Registration Number.

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Click on the submit button.
Your details including Jamb score, institution, date of birth, etc will appear.

If you are given admission and you like the school then click on accept admission.
If the institution and course space is blank or you have not been offered admission then don’t click on accept admission. Just keep checking back.

Be very careful to accept admission when you are not offered or when you have hope of gaining admission in a better school.
Once you accept the admission offered you then you admission door is closed for that year.

You may also want to read:
What Should I do If I See Not Admitted In My Caps Portal/Market Place And I Accept The Admission Status

If you see not admitted yet in your Caps market place it means your school hasn’t started giving admission and all you have to do is close the page and keep checking back. Don’t click on the accept admission TAB.

By the time your school of choice releases her admission list,you will not only see the “ACCEPT” icon but also a ‘DECLINE’ icon . You are enjoined not to click on the ‘ACCEPT’ icon until you receive an admission notification from your institution of choice.

Recommended: How to access Jamb Newly Introduced System 'caps'

I Mistakenly Click Accept Admission In My Caps Portal What Should I Do And Will I Lost Admission?

If you mistakenly accepted admission when you have not been offered admission by any school yet then I don’t think that would be an issue.

The main issue is when you have been offered admission in a few particular school already and you accepted it. It then means that your door of admission for that year has closed. We at myschoolinfo wish you the best.

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  1. when i checked my jamb caps, the admission status was ''propsed'' nd i mistakenly click accept. So when i check back the admission status changed to ''accepted''... Is there any problem?

    1. There is no problem at all, provided that is the course you want

  2. I saw not admitted but my friend checked and saw admitted, but futo has not released admission list... Am confused

    1. There's no need to be confused, institutions are expected to submit their admission list to jamb before official release to student, therefore if that of your friend is showing admitted then maybe futo has sent their admission list to jamb and its being uploaded but if your name is not showing admitted just keep checking

  3. I check and mine shows congratulation you have been offered admission my question is should I accept it since my school is yet to release list

    1. I would advice you accept the admission if it's your desired course, Schools are suppose to send the list of admitted student to jamb.


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