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So many candidates keep asking  same question every year that Jamb conduct their examination saying “ What Jamb score do I need to get admission/admitted into my first choice University and to my first choice course? ”.
The idea of jamb candidates and some individual saying “I score **** in my Jamb UTME result I will gain admission into the university”, it is not real true. Your Jamb score is not a Guarantee that you have gained admission most especially now that the ban on post utme has been lifted.

Read also: See List Of 20 Courses You can study without mathematics 

Some people will say what is your jamb score “230 or 240 or 250 or 280” ok you will have an automatic admission with your score. On a layman’s view, the score is good for admission, but jamb never said that. Your Jamb is one of the factors that will gain you admission into the tertiary institution.
You gaining admission are dependent on:

1. Jamb Admission Factors: Merit, Catchment and Educationally less developed States:
This was one of the factors that can gain you admission into the university or polytechnics or college of education.
Now that the ban on post utme has been lifted, if you score 250 and you have a low post utme score it will also affect your gaining admission.

2. Your choice of course
I bet you 60 – 70% of the candidates that applied for the current Jamb choose higher rated course like Medicine and surgery, economics, Accounting, pharmacy, engineering, Nursing, Banking and Finance, etc and neglect other smaller course. So you see that your change of gaining admission is reducing gradually.

3. Performance of the student in the current Jamb:
The overall performance of students in the current Jamb can also affect your admission, the higher the performance, the higher schools sets their cut of mark.

4. Yearly Admission quota:
The larger the learning facilities of an institution the larger the number of student that will be admitted e.g if an institution capacity is 7,000 student and the number of registered candidate that choose the institution or scored Jamb average mark are 15,000 applicants, it will also affect the admission gaining of some student despite their Jamb score.

5. Course competition:
The competition in course in the university can affect your chance of gaining admission. For instance Uniport is good in Medicine and surgery, may people will likely apply for medicine and surgery in Uniport thereby increasing the cut off mark three times that of jamb average cut off.

6. Tertiary Institution rating:
Rating of tertiary institutions increase the number of candidates that will apply to be admitted, for example Nekede and Auchi Polytechnics are rated high in terms of studying, if this is so about 70 -79% of candidate will choose either of the Polytechnic which will might make the institution to increase its cut off mark.


240 , you stand a chance of getting moderately competitive course.
270, stand chance of being admitted to study a competitive course.
280 should guarantee you admission to study any course

Note, even if you didn’t score up to the above scores, don’t worry or panic, Most especially now that Post Utme is back, candidates who were unable to perform well in the last Jamb due to certain conditions will be given the opportunity to perform extremely well in the upcoming post utme Exam. 

You can read the following tips to increase your chances: Tips on to get rid of post utme tension and fear and 
How to score very high in your uoupcoming post utme exam

Mind you, Schools tend to focus on their post utme so if u think you passed Jamb and then you no longer prepare for your post utme seriously then you gradually reduce your chances of gaining admission. 

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