I tagged this article as such because in one way or the other we have asked ourselves this very question "Now that I have failed what next". 

In one way or the other we find ourselves victims of the scary word "Failure", (I guess we all know why I call it scary). No one wants to fail but in as much as all cannot be successful then someone will have to fail, but the problem is not just about failing, the problem is "what you do after failing". 

Most times after we have been hit by unpleasant circumstances we fill like all hope is lost(that is, there is nothing I can do anymore to get to where I want/should be). But actually that is not true, in fact failure should be an opportunity for us to keep going, a stepping stone to greatness, a moment for us to rethink "where did I get it wrong" , we can go down  memory lanes where various icons such as "Michael Faraday, who haven failure 99times still persisted and today we have electricity, we could also take for example Vincent Van Gogh who only sold one painting out of 900 in his life time but now is known as one of the best artist in history" having undergo numerous sets back but yet eended up victorious. 

Below are some useful tips you should take to heart after failing. 

*Overcome your fears:
     Fear as being tagged to stand for the popular acronym 
F-- False
E-- Evidence 
A-- Appearing
R-- Real
    I totally agree with the above expression, your fears are nothing less than your frights appearing real. The moment you are able to get rid of your fears, you start seeing yourself excelling, See your fears as obstacles that Must be overcome. 

*Start planning:
      There is a popular saying that "HE who fails to plan, plans to fail" the moment you stop planning is the moment you start failing, you must at all time take your time to draft out strategies on your part to success, if you do that you will have at least a reason to be hopeful. 

*Start Now (Time) :
    What are you waiting for, Tomorrow? You better start now because time management is life management, you don't necessarily need a century to effect a change you only need effective preparation to provoke unusual transformation, and that brings us to our next point. 

     There is a wise saying that says "give me six hours to chop down  a tree and I will spend four hours sharpening the axe, this buttress my Point on preparation, what is the whole essence of trying to succeed when we are not prepared for it, my friends life doesn't work that way, we must be ready to take our time and carry out Useful preparation putting into consideration the chances of you failing (Another way to prepare is to think negatively) and setting down strategies to overcome those chances. 

Last but Not the least, Prayer:
   For the the fact that this is the last on the least does not mean it is the least, we must at all times be prayerful to God and at the same time workhard, because faith without work is dead. 

Do ensure to share with your friends and contribute your on quarter using the comment box. Thanks. 

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